How to Find the Best Companies that Buy Structured Settlement

Finding the Best Structured Settlement Purchaser Company to Work With

Once you’ve made the decision to sell structured settlement payments, the next step is finding a structured settlement purchaser to work with. A structured settlement purchaser will work with you on the different options that are available to you, such as selling all of your structured settlement payments for a lump sum of cash, or selling just a portion of them, while keeping the remainder of your payment stream intact. You should be provided with a transparent quote that lets you know just how much you’ll receive for the sale of your future structured settlement payments.

When it comes to finding companies that buy structured settlements, it’s relatively easy, as there are quite a few options available. However, just picking any structured settlement company to work with isn’t recommended. When it comes to finding companies that buy structured settlements, you’ll want to narrow down your choices to the best, reputable options.

Contact us today at 866-931-9321 to get started and find our your options.

Compare Options from Non-Biased Sources

It can be overwhelming when trying to figure out where to even start. You can begin by searching for companies that buy structured settlement payments and focusing on lists and articles from non-biased sources that are available as financial resources to readers. These sources can be a great way to just get a feel for what’s out there, what each company offers, how they differ, and so on. From there, you can begin to research each structured settlement company a little more in-depth to determine which company is a good fit for you.

Ask for Recommendations

If you know someone personally who has ever settled a personal injury lawsuit, chances are good they may have been receiving structured settlement payments, and they may have already worked with a structured settlement company to sell payments for a lump sum of cash. Ask friends, family members, and colleagues if they have any personal recommendations about structured settlement companies they have dealt with.

Like many other services out there, getting feedback directly from someone who was once a customer can be an accurate way to learn more about a specific company.

Check BBB Ratings

As you begin to narrow down your search for companies that buy structured settlements, it’s highly recommended to check each one’s Better Business Bureau ratings to ensure the ones you’re considering are highly rated. The BBB is a good way to narrow down options to those that are deemed trustworthy and reputable, and can also reveal if any of the companies you are considering working with have had formal complaints filed against them.

Consider How Long the Structured Settlement Purchaser Has Been in Business

Nowadays, it almost seems as though new structured settlement companies crop up on a daily basis. When it comes to choosing a company that will be handling your money, you only want to work with one that has been in this industry for a long time and is experienced and knowledgeable about the process of purchasing structured settlement payments. Be wary of those who are brand new, and ideally, go with a company that is a pioneer in the industry. After all, you want the very best, so you’ll want to work with a company that has been working in the industry for many years and knows the ins and outs of purchasing structured settlement payments.

Reach Out to the Structured Settlement Purchaser

Another way to help narrow down your list more and find the structured settlement company that’s best for you is to reach out to each one you’re considering individually. Ask questions and find out more about the different companies you’re considering working with. Learn more about how their individual process works, how much you’d receive for the sale of your future payments, the different options available to you, the timeline, customer support options, and so on. Speaking directly with representatives from each of your options can help you to make your final choice.


The type of structured settlement company you want to work with is one that is transparent. This includes being accurate about timelines without making false promises, providing quotes for the sale of structured settlement payments, being clear about the services they offer, and so on.

A good structured settlement company will have no issue providing you with as much information as you’d like and answering all of the questions you have. Be hesitant about working with structured settlement companies that are vague with the information they provide.

Contact MyLumpsum Today

At MyLumpsum, we take pride in being one of the top leaders in the industry. We are experienced and knowledgeable in purchasing structured settlement payments for a lump sum of cash, and we’re ready to help you reach your financial goals. Whether you want to sell all of your future structured settlement payments or just a portion of them, our representatives are standing by. Contact us today at 866-931-9321 to learn more about your options and to get started.